04 Jan

Staff Nurse Jamshid “Jay” Faldren 

Joins Casualty’s Holby ED: Series 23 Episode 8 (2008)

“The Evil That Men Do”

Jay is a seemingly restless soul. He's potentially, one of the best nurses to ever step through the doors of the ED, but he's one of the lads, and his flippant behaviour can interfere with his job and his relationship with his co-workers.

Jay Facts:

Joined Casualty on 25th October 2008

Staff Nurse 

Full name is Jamshid Faldren

He is the only son of an Iranian mother and English father

Thinks he's god's gift to women

Is a prankster

Endedans stelationship with Ruth when she secretly aborted their child


Grandmother - Maryam Shakiba

Love Interests:






Adam, Charlie, Jeff and Noel

Information obtained courtesy of BBC Casualty: https://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/casualty/aps/jay_faldren.shtml

Jays first episode

Series 23, Episode 8 (2008):

All video/image credits belong to BBC One 

Holby TV - Jay Facts 

Click Here For All Things Ben Online Image Gallery for BBC Casualty

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